Mini 18"x23" Tucks perfectly into an infant car seat or swing and make great "lovies" for toddlers who like to take their blankets on the go. Mini styles have less/smaller design.
Basic 30"x36" Offers the functionality of a crib blanket at a more economical price point. Basic styles have less design than a crib.
Crib 30"x36" Our most popular size for newborns; provides great coverage for most babies up to 24-30 months.
Toddler 36"x60" Approximately the size of a toddler mattress, making it a perfect addition to a toddler bed.
Stadium 60"x60" Ideal for adults, many of our "bigger kids" (i.e., moms and dads) like to design these blankets with a name or monogram only.
Twin 60"x90" Designed for use on a twin-size bed.
Tummy 47" Diam. Designed for newborns; a great blanket for playgroups.
Note: Queen- and King-size blankets are available by request.